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Our corporate governance principles govern how we do business every day, and we remain resolute in winning business through fair competition within the global marketplace. Transparency and accountability are deeply embedded at every level of our company. Our business is conducted in an honest and ethical manner, and we do not condone any occurrence of bribery and corruption over the course of our business operations.

To foster ethical behaviour and conduct, all directors, officers and employees of StorHub are at all times strictly bound by our Code of Ethics, under which they are each required to (amongst others):
- act with honesty and integrity, avoiding actual or apparent conflicts of interest in personal and professional relationships, and disclosing any transaction or relationship that could be reasonably expected to give rise to such a conflict or potential conflict;
- be prohibited from taking personal advantage of business opportunities that are discovered through the use of corporate property, information or their position with StorHub;
- comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as rules, requirements, directives, orders, codes, policies, guidelines and notices of any government of any jurisdiction which we have a presence in;
- act in good faith, responsibly, with due care, competence and diligence, and avoid situations where one’s independent judgment might be subordinated or perceived to be subordinated;
- deal fairly with StorHub’s customers, suppliers and competitors, and not take unfair advantage of anyone through improper giving or receiving of gifts or hospitality, manipulation, misrepresentation, concealment, abuse of dominance, or any other unfair dealings or anti-competitive conduct; and
- deal appropriately with public officials, their families and other associates, by not promising, offering, or giving them any gratification or advantage (financial or otherwise), with the intention of influencing such official or individual, or inducing them to use their influence.
At StorHub, we recognise that good corporate governance is the foundation for responsible and sustainable business practices. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of governance, and integrating governance principles into our systems, structures and policies that guide our decision-making processes.
In this regard, StorHub is committed to implementing and enforcing effective and robust compliance policies. All new staff are expected to accept and endorse StorHub’s various compliance policies, including the Code of Ethics, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, and the Whistleblower Policy, as part of their onboarding process. All existing employees are also required to reaffirm, on an annual basis, their commitment to full compliance with each of these policies, by re-endorsing them.
Further, regular and mandatory anti-bribery and anti-corruption trainings are conducted for all StorHub employees, at least on an annual basis, to reinforce the core principles underlying our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, as well as reiterate our zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption wherever we operate. To allow our staff in different countries to participate in and benefit from such trainings to the fullest extent possible, these are conducted in different languages (i.e., English, Japanese, Korean and Mandarin Chinese).

At the start of 2023, a comprehensive personal data protection compliance manual was rolled out for our Singapore business, and since then, has been adapted for all the other markets in which StorHub is active. Training on personal data protection and privacy was also conducted by a top-tier Singapore law firm for all Singapore-based employees. Similar training has also been carried out for our employees in the other countries to equip them with the knowledge and skills to respect and safeguard our customers’ personal data acquired in the course of our business operations.
Our various initiatives are not only aimed at increasing our employees’ awareness, knowledge and understanding of the critical importance of legal and regulatory compliance, but also cultivating a resilient corporate governance ethos which builds greater trust within the organisation, contributes to StorHub’s positive public image, and drives employees’ performance and satisfaction.
We also staunchly believe in maintaining an open channel with, and having constructive dialogued with, our stakeholders. We constantly and actively engage with investors, customers, employees, suppliers, the community and other relevant stakeholders, to understand their expectations, concerns, and priorities regarding ESG matters. Through these engagements, we strive to build mutually beneficial relationships, address stakeholders’ needs, and incorporate their feedback into our decision-making processes.